Pružinové závěsy

Rozlišujeme, zda se jedná o čistý tlumič vibrací (třecí tlumič) nebo tlumič vibrací s integrovanou pružinou (pružinová patka nebo závěs). Tyto výrobky jsou dodávány ve velkém množství velkým světovým výrobcům plně automatických praček (domácích a komerčních). Kromě toho se používají také v různých průmyslových aplikacích.

  • FS 28

    higher damping force for washing machines with a vertical axis of rotation


    This robust suspension was developed for small to large washing machines with a vertical axis of rotation. The damping forces can be adapted to the respective customer requirements as well as the spring rate and installation length. Our suspensions are also designed for larger loads, unlike the so-called air dampers. Selection options are also available for a particularly high heat dissipation.



    friction force [N]*spring rate [N/mm]stroke [mm]installation length [mm]
    30 to 602,5 to 5,250specifically


    *Temperature and speed-dependent

    Customer-specific solutions are possible.

  • FS 4

    robust damping of washing machines with a vertical axis of rotation


    This robust suspension was developed for medium-sized to large washing machines with a vertical axis of rotation. The damping forces can be adapted to the respective customer requirements as well as the spring rate and installation length. Our suspensions are also designed for larger loads, unlike the so-called air dampers.


    Spring suspension: Interior Tube Suspension



    friction force [N]*spring rate [N/mm]stroke [mm]installation length [mm]
    20 to 302.0 to 4.030specifically


    *Temperature and speed-dependent

    Customer-specific solutions are possible.

Uplatnění v oborech

Pružinové závěsy SUSPA nacházejí uplatnění u výrobců automatických praček.