Naše plynové pružiny (uzamykatelné a neuzamkatelné plynové pružiny), tlumiče a výškové systémy pro nábytek jsou speciálně přizpůsobeny požadavkům nábytkářského průmyslu a používají se tam, kde je kladen důraz na snadné a pohodlné otevírání, zavírání a polohování. Naše vysoce kvalitní výrobky používáte v kuchyni, v obývacích pokojích a v neposlední řadě v také zaměstnání.
Gas struts, dampers and adjustment systems are crucial elements of kitchens today. With our products, working surfaces and fixtures can quietly and variably be easily adjusted to different needs. For example, an exhaust hood can easily be lowered into the working area after use. Cabinet doors can easily be opened and closed with the help of gas springs. Downward-facing flaps are aided in the uniform opening feature by our dampers. You get a kitchen side table that can be adjusted to your individual comfort height with the pneumatic adjustment systems VariStand or VariBase.
Gas struts (lockable and non-lockable gas struts) are now an indispensable part of our daily lives. Our products increase the quality of life in the residential sector. Cabinet doors can be easily opened and closed with the help of gas springs, upholstered furniture is made more comfortable through the use of lockable gas struts and the adjustable armchair invites you to a comfortable evening watching TV. Gas struts also assist in opening and closing the bed drawer to make the most of the storage space. A height-adjustable side table with our pneumatic adjustment system VariStand or VariBase is the elegant version to standard side tables for a sophisticated design.
With our solutions for the height adjustment of tables, you get the opportunity to adjust the height of your workspace in the simplest way, making it safe and ergonomic. Our adjustment systems are ideal for your office or industry workplace, for conference rooms or classrooms, for kitchen work spaces, sales counters and much more. An individual workplace requires an individual adjustment system. We offer you different ways to optimally, ergonomically and easily adjust your workplace.