Pružinové patky FB

Rozlišujeme, zda se jedná o čistý tlumič vibrací (třecí tlumič) nebo tlumič vibrací s integrovanou pružinou (pružinová patka nebo závěs). Tyto výrobky jsou dodávány ve velkém množství velkým světovým výrobcům plně automatických praček (domácích a komerčních). Kromě toho se používají také v různých průmyslových aplikacích.

  • FB 006 - the adaptable damper with outer spring

    flexible when it comes to installation lengths, with high spring rate


    This spring leg is a support system with an external spring. This allows for the combination with a high spring rate, which allows for higher load-bearing capacity of the spring/damper unit.





    friction force [N]*spring rate [N/mm]compressed length [mm] extended length [mm]
    80 to 1208,45197,5276


    *Temperature and speed-dependent

    Customer-specific solutions are possible.

  • FB 008 - the adaptable damper with inner spring

    flexible when it comes to installation lengths, cost-effective solution


    This cost-effective spring leg is a support system with an internal spring. The clever arrangement of the spring inside the tube optimally protects it from external influences.


    FB 008 - The variable with internal spring



    friction force [N]*spring rate [N/mm]compressed length [mm] extended length [mm]
    40 to 1203,58 to 6,38142,5 to 220,8189 to 287


    *Temperature and speed-dependent

    Customer-specific solutions are possible.

  • FB 18 FL - the innovative damper with spring

    for noise and vibration-optimization with integrated spring function


    The technical basis for this spring leg is the successful friction damper series RD 18 / RD 18 FL. The proven Free Stroke System was adopted by the RD 18 FL and adapted to the specific spring leg requirements. With the spring leg characteristics achieved in this way, it is possible to realize a tremendous running smoothness for the first time in spring leg washing machines. Due to this advancement, the spring leg FB 18 FL is ideal for the highest acoustic requirements.


    FB 18 FL - the innovative with suspension



    friction force [N]*spring rate [N/mm]mechanical gap [mm]compressed length [mm]extended length [mm]
    80 to 1204,188205290


    *Temperature and speed-dependent

    Customer-specific solutions are possible.

  • FB 006 FK - the flexible damper with spring

    flexible when it comes to installation lengths, with soft linear response behavior


    Building on the proven concept of the FB 006, the Soft Start System was also integrated with this spring leg. This makes it possible to realize a gentle starting characteristic, which also serves to significantly reduce transmitted vibrations and noises.


    FB 006 FK - the flexible with suspension



    friction force [N]*spring rate [N/mm]FK spring rate [N/mm]compressed length [mm]extended length [mm]
    80 to 1204,7217,4215,1292


    *Temperature and speed-dependent

    Customer-specific solutions are possible.

Uplatnění v oborech

Pružinové patky SUSPA FB nacházejí uplatnění u výrobců automatických praček.