This code of conduct provides the basis for the behavior and action of everyone employed at SUSPA with respect to all economic and social relations, in particular regarding business relationships with customers, suppliers and authorities. The purpose of this guideline is to demonstrate to all those concerned, especially the SUSPA staff[*], that we at SUSPA always adhere to the aforementioned ethical guidelines in all of our endeavors by always acting fairly and sustainably, i.e. in an economically, environmentally and socially responsible manner. The company's objectives and actions in particular are based on the values of profitable growth, the integrity of the individual and fair dealings with each other and with third parties. Our social responsibility is reflected in value-oriented and sustainably profitable corporate management. It is a key factor for our company's long-term success.
[*] this always refers to employees
This code of conduct is an internally binding standard (procedure) based on the applicable law for all business activities. It applies to all employees, in particular to the employees working for the SUSPA Group, as well as to contractors, diploma students, interns, and others.
Local specific conditions may require extensive conduct rules, which must be developed with the local personnel department in individual cases.
All employees are encouraged to comply with this directive and thus support the company's overall impression and success.
The personality and dignity of each individual is to be respected. The trustful handling in everyday interaction with each other is a matter of course at SUSPA. This is requested and encouraged. Problems should be addressed openly. There is an environment of openness, tolerance and fairness at SUSPA.
SUSPA has developed and communicated clear and binding management and behavioral principles. All employees are expected to contribute to a positive working environment, to motivation and to enthusiasm in the company with their behavior.
Managers promote tolerant and fair handling and create an atmosphere that allows for an open exchange of ideas. They prevent unacceptable behavior and mediate conflicts.
All employees outwardly represent the company and its reputation with their behavior, both towards business partners as well as for off-site activities.
Payments, gifts or other financial benefits by the company or by the employee's own resources to employees of business partners, employees in public service or other (third parties) with the aim of obtaining orders or benefits for SUSPA are not permitted without exception. Laws and internal company guidelines must be complied with.
Private business that is conflict with the interests of SUSPA or that can influence the decisions of employees is to be refrained from.
Invitations to events or business meals may only be accepted if they take place as part of normal business work and are appropriate and not unusual in value and quantity. In cases of doubt, approval is to be obtained by the management.
It is not permitted to have business partners pay for travel and accommodation costs (exception: own subsidiaries).
SUSPA employees or their relatives may only accept gifts from business partners or third parties if their value does not exceed EUR 30 and if they are voluntarily handed over and do not influence business decisions.
It is not permitted to use financial services or benefits of any kind from suppliers, customers or other business partners for personal use/enrichment.
If an employee purchases private services from business partners, the standard market price is to be paid for said services.
Holdings by SUSPA employees in competitor companies or in SUSPA business partners that could have a direct or indirect impact on the activities of SUSPA are only permitted following the prior approval of SUSPA's management. Exceptions are interest in listed companies where the holding is less than 5%.
SUSPA strictly prohibits any participation in or tolerance of bribery or any other form of corruption by employees or by business partners.
All employees are obligated to keep confidential all business and trade secrets during the duration of the employment relationship and beyond, even after its termination.
The guidelines for using and accessing the security of software and information technology must be observed. All data protection regulations must be complied with.
SUSPA stands for social responsibility. This includes our commitment to respecting human rights, respecting the principle of equality when employing workers and refraining from any kind of discrimination based on gender, race, disability, origin, religion or age as well as exploitative working conditions.
SUSPA rejects any kind of forced labor and exploitative work, especially child labor.
SUSPA observes an appropriate remuneration, which is normalized at least to the statutory minimum wages or the respective labor market. We ensure compliance with national rules on working time and vacation leave.
SUSPA ensures all workplace safety and occupational health and safety measures and ensures that at least local, national or international regulations are observed.
All applicable environmental protection laws and guidelines are to be met. SUSPA expects and supports an environmentally-conscious action of its employees, especially to avoid or reduce environmental pollution as much as possible and to preserve the natural environment.
SUSPA complies with the applicable antitrust laws and trading laws as well as the corresponding laws on pricing, competition law and consumer protection. Among other things, these prohibit agreements and other activities that affect the prices or conditions or inhibit free competition in an unacceptable manner.
We only use permissible means to obtain information about the competition. In no way do we tolerate illegal procedures or methods that could result in criminal or liability claims.
Every employee of SUSPA must be aware that violating this code of conduct may lead to material damage to the company.
Violating this guideline can therefore lead to disciplinary action, termination of employment or other legal action.
It is the task of every manager to ensure the implementation of this guideline and to inform employees of this guideline. Failures to observe the code of conduct may also lead to disciplinary or legal consequences.