Our business activities are geared towards progress, benefit, and sustainability. The basis for this is the competence of our entire global team and the mutual respect that determines our actions and our communication within the ‘SUSPA family' and with our business partners.
SUSPA GmbH, 90518 Altdorf, started to implement the sustainability requirements of the European Automotive Working Group on Supply Chain Sustainability (EAWGSCS) in mid-2014.
EAWGSCS is a working group consisting of several automotive manufacturers whose goal it is to promote sustainable development in the entire value added chain. A uniform "Automotive Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire" (SAQ) was developed on the topic of CSR/sustainability. The jointly developed automotive SAQ is used to provide an initial assessment of the supplier's performance with respect to sustainability, such as socially and environmentally-relevant sustainability aspects, business behavior and governance as well as supplier management. The questionnaire is based on the jointly adopted Automotive Industry Guiding Principles to Enhance Sustainability Performance in the Supply Chain. Based on the SAQ, the questionnaire at SUSPA was assimilated and created based on the processes applied there.
In the period of one year, the main suppliers of SUSPA GmbH (all A / all B and selected C-suppliers) were tendered and asked to answer the questionnaire.
The results were evaluated by strategic purchasing and evaluated together with the quality / environmental management officer of SUSPA GmbH. All answers were selectively evaluated. No infringement of the exclusion criteria has been identified with the tendered suppliers, which would result in measures with the SUSPA-internal specialist departments for the environment, social affairs and recycling.
The sustainability in the supply chain of SUSPA GmbH is thus verified and positively determined.
External interested parties can be provided with this document.
Summary and positioning according to the activities and analyses by the REACH working group. Valid for SUSPA GmbH in Altdorf and Sulzbach as well as SUSPA-Bor:
⇒ SUSPA is thus a downstream user in the sense of the REACH regulation for almost all of the substances to be considered.
⇒ According to the current status of examination (21/11/2025), there are no registration requirements for SUSPA GmbH with locations in Altdorf and Sulzbach as well as the location of Bor in the Czech Republic!
SUSPA is dependent on the upstream supplier making the necessary substance registrations. For their part, the SUSPA suppliers are usually also "only" product manufacturers or preparers and usually do not have to register themselves.
As a downstream user, SUSPA called on select suppliers of preparations (usually with annual delivery quantities > 200 kg) during the pre-registration phase to ensure the pre-registration status or the registration status.
SUSPA complies with the information requirements regarding substances of the candidate list (SVHC = Substances of Very High Concern) required in article 33 of the REACH regulation. This requires a continuous observation process, since the candidate list is currently growing steadily.
As per January 2025 (list status per 21/01/2025), the SVHC candidate list shows 247 entries.
SUSPA is also dependent on active information from the suppliers with respect to the SVHC.
The REACH regulation itself requires all of our suppliers to actively inform us if SVHC are contained in the purchased products with a weight proportion greater than 0.1%.
New suppliers are obliged to comply with the REACH requirements by means of the SUSPA quality assurance agreement.
Furthermore, SUSPA requires REACH confirmations from the suppliers for new procured products as part of the supplier quality planning.
If material data is maintained via the IMDS (International Material Data System) (e.g. all automotive products), the suppliers have to specify the pure substances and therefore also the SVHC in the IMDS. Based on this information, SUSPA is informed whether any SVHC are contained and can check whether SVHC are present in the manufactured items with a weight proportion greater than 0.1%.
To this day, SUSPA has no information that SVHC with a weight proportion > 0.1% are present in the products made by SUSPA considering the associated interpretation explanations.
Based on current knowledge, SUSPA does not have to meet notification requirements to the ECHA according to article 7(2) of the REACH regulation
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the obligations concerning the American bill H.R. 4173 ‘‘Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act’’ Section 1502 on “Conflict Minerals” as well as the EU-regulation 2017 / 821 observe Conflict Minerals in the EU.
Our company is monitoring the American efforts to ban and observe monitor exploitation and trade with conflict minerals originating in the Democratic Re-public of Congo and the adjoining countries very closely. This is also true for the implementation provisions as of August 2012. The application and commitment to observe and consider the EU regulation 2017 / 821 was checked by consulting our Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Considering all arguments and facts according to article 1, paragraph 2 and 3 and as well annex 1 we are not classified as direct importer.
As a German company we do not directly fall under the scope of application of both regulations. Nevertheless we pay very much attention to the national, Eu-ropean and international developments regarding ethical, social and environ-mental standards.
Therefore, we for the time being can assume that according to information available to us the material does not contain any of the defined “conflict miner-als” like tin, tungsten, tantalum or gold from the Democratic Republic of Congo or its adjoining countries that in the meaning of the above regulations are nec-essary to the functionality or production of the products manufactures by us. Changes to our knowledge regarding this issue would surely be advised to you immediately.
Altdorf, November 2022
SUSPA wants to provide world-class innovative, competitive and reliable solutions for lifting, damping, adjustment, opening & closing with a focus on the value for and the well-being of our global customers, employees, business partners, key stakeholders and environment.
Cooperation and continuous improvement:
We are committed to involving all interested parties, to fulfilling the binding and legal obligations that are imposed on us from the quality, environmental, occupational safety and information security systems, as well as to continuously improving our systems in comparison with the set goals.
The customer asses the quality and does not tolerate errors:
We are committed to manufacturing safe and error-free products, taking into account customer-specific requirements, preventive error avoidance, systematic cause research and continuous improvement.
We protect our environment:
We are committed to protecting the environment, to preventing environmental pollution and to using resources in a sustainable manner, right from procurement and development. We want to preserve and improve the quality of life.
Occupational safety is everyone‘s business:
We are committed to providing working conditions in conformity with health and safety standards and to maintaining health.
We undertake to prevent possible dangers and to minimise possible risks.
Information or data are goods deserving protection:
We are committed to maintaining information security in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information exchanged for our customers and thus also for us. The data security throughout the organisation makes general provisions that apply to all areas of information technology within our organisation.
„… our commitment to your satisfaction…“